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Mostex Global Solutions has developed patented technology and processes that enable non-woody biomass and forest residue to be converted into green energy at a lower cost and with a higher energy content than existing alternatives.
MOSTEX: Welcome

Mostex director Mark Paulson was delighted to have been part of the delegation of cleantech entrepreneurs on the recent Innovate UK Energy Catalyst Brokerage Trip to the Philippines. This visit provided us with the valuable opportunity to engage face to face with renewable clean energy companies and key stakeholders from the Philippines and UK.
As a result we have much greater market understanding and insight, and we very much look forward to developing our discussions to deploy our patented technology in transforming rice straw and agri-waste
into a valuable fuel asset.
#TheDepartmentforScience andTechnology #DSIT
#ForeignCommonwealthandDevelopmentOffice #FCDO
#innovation #technology #energy
For further details please contact:
Mark Paulson, Director
(T) +44 7920005103
MOSTEX: Services
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